Sunday, January 13, 2008

Next collection of Harry Potter's book

These are the books that I mention in my last post. Books that I want to bought for my next collection of Harry Potter's book. US version cover book.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Collection of Harry Potter's Book

This is the picture of my collection of Harry Potter's Book from the first to the seventh book. My future planning now is to buy the United States version of cover book for all set. Why? Because there are interesting illustration in the beginning of every chapter. It's okay to have 14 of Harry Potter books but I'm not sure if the sixth and the seventh book already have the US version of cover or not. Will checked in the book store when I have free time.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Magic of Harry Potter Films

What's up with these Harry Potter films anyway? It is absolutely amazing the effect that these movies have on some of their fans. Have you seen the first four? Well, if the answer is no, then you're certainly in the minority. The amazing thing is that both kids and adults alike seemed to equally love the adventures of the young wizard.

As a matter of fact, the Harry Potter films alone have made J.K. Rowling a very, very wealthy woman. There's just something about wizards and supernatural evils that gets our juices flowing. I suppose it's the mystery and magic of it all. I know two things for sure, this movie series will be around for a long time, and lots of money will be generated from them. Harry Potter films are similar to a new-age Star Wars. It's that kind of phenomenon.

It all began if one single book. We humans seem to love our works of fiction. Or perhaps in this case, fantasy. Either way, the Harry Potter series is a runaway smash hit. When the first book hit the shelves of every bookstore around the world, I actually didn't really care for its. Yippy, yet another children's novel that delves into the supernatural realm of magic and the age old good versus evil genre. Like that hasn't been done to death already. But kids from all over the world were new to these concepts and this in turn got the adult's attention as well.

Because of the wild enthusiasm that the kids work is flying, the adults too were getting sucked into these imaginative books. The writing was on the wall that we would soon see feature films created. While I did see the first four, they did really excite me as much as I had hoped. But that's not just me, my friends adores them too. I must admit, the concept of the Harry Potter films is the perfect key to classic escapism. Isn't that why we go to the movie theaters, as an escape from our everyday lives. Come on, you want to get your money's worth and there's a lot to be said for vicarious thrills.

If you're not an avid reader you may want to simply watch the Harry Potter films. In my opinion, the third and fourth installments or more entertaining than the first two. Of course this is just my opinion, but the way cinematography was much better. The Internet also provides any fan of the Harry Potter films with a plethora of material. You can hop online and pick up any of the first four Harry Potter films today on DVD for a decent price. is a superstore or you can find any of these films and can buy them either new or used.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Harry Potter and Me

My first glimpse of Harry Potter first book "Harry Potter and The philosopher stone" was on my roommate desk 7 years ago. She borrow the book from books rental store in Bangsar. The cover was not attractive to me so I just ignore it for months. Then one day on my very boring weekend and because there are nothing else to do I pick up the book and that was the beginning of my adventure to Harry's magical world! I am not good in English so I need to re-read the the book more than twice to understand the story better.

Harry Potter magical ability proven not only help his friends in his wizardry world but also help me improve my English. Thank you Harry and thank you J.K Rowling!